16 Ways the Air We Breathe Can Improve Your Health and Beauty

Living in a big city? Or you live in a medium size city? Then your body's health and beauty is in jeopardy from a constant lack of oxygen. Is an abundance of oxygen important? It turns out, yes. Oxygen is an essential element activating the cellular energy within the human body. Under normal conditions, oxygen enters the body right through the skin. This happens through normal respiration. Yet if the body is under stress from pollutants or other elements in the air, the process of oxygenation is drastically altered to alarming levels.
There are 16 very important ways oxygen affects our health and beauty:
  1. Oxygen gives us the energy.
  2. Helps to focus and improve memory.
  3. Cleans the blood and strengthens immunity.
  4. Heals the body
  5. Improves sleep
  6. Improves digestion
  7. Improves eyesight
  8. Slows the aging process
  9. It's an essential Mother Nature's way to get rid of headaches, migraines.
  10. Removes alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
  11. Strengthens the heart and reduces the risk of heart diseases.
  12. Increases stamina.
  13. Rapid recuperation after physical exertion.
  14. A drug-free way to reduce weight.
  15. It reduces the impact of environmental pollution.
  16. Oxygen calms and stabilizes the nervous system.
For those that want to know what the optimum amount of oxygen a person's skin should be getting it is 20.8%. That probably means very little to you, but to your skin it is essential.
Unfortunately, 20.8% oxygen content can only be found in forests, seaside. Now let's us look at an urban environment. In an environment like this the oxygen absorption drops over 20%. Conditions like these lead to the dangerous levels of humans oxygen deficiency (hypoxia).
What are the results of oxygen deficiency?
The consequences of oxygen deficiency are general weakness, muscle and headaches, disturbed sleep and metabolism, frequent infectious diseases, decreased immunity, and sexual activity, cancer, depression.
Oxygen is an essential need for living organisms, primarily for the oxidation of food in the process of metabolism with release of energy, which is used for the work of muscles, mental activity.
The lack of oxygen leads to damage of cells in various body systems (respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular systems).
Here are the actual diseases associated with lack of oxygen in the body:
  1. Acute and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.), pleurisy, hereditary diseases, etc.
  2. Acute and chronic pneumonia, atelectasis, emphysema, tuberculosis, pleurisy, pneumothorax, tumor processes, conditions after surgery, primary and secondary pulmonary hypertension, etc.
  3. Diseases associated with the disorders of hemoglobin oxygen saturation: anemia of various origins (including as a result of menstrual blood loss), intoxication.
  4. Diseases associated with the disorders of oxygen delivery to vital organs: acute and chronic cardiovascular disease (ischemic heart disease, cardio-vascular insufficiency), disorders of cerebral circulation.
  5. Diseases associated with disorders of utilization of oxygen in organs.
What do you do if you find you are deficient in oxygen
OF course, it's possible compensate the lack of oxygen by walking and getting closer to nature. But sometimes it is impossible or insufficient. In these cases you will need oxygen therapy.
What is it Oxygen Therapy?
Oxygen therapy- is widely used in medical practice treatment technique, based on breathing pure oxygen or a gas mixture with high (relative to the oxygen content in air) concentration of oxygen. Oxygen comes from the special cylinder, oxygen concentrator or a central gas supply system into the gear-meter for adjusting the pressure and the therapeutic gas flow (usually from 2 to 10 liters per minute at atmospheric pressure).
Then gas then enters the humidifier, where it is saturated with water vapor and warmth. Oxygen enters the respiratory tract of the patient through a gas mask or cannula. The concentration of inhaled oxygen depends on the modification of the mask (cannula) and can range from 30 to 90%.
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